EduLITE® SignUp

Thank you for signing up for EduLITE® School Management Solution, Our Company representative will get in touch shortly after your request has been processed.

EduLITE® Product Experience - Customer Feedback

Thank you for participating in our product experience survey, our team of experts will work with your management team to improve the current version of the product in your school using the data submitted.


Become Our Sales Agent, Marketer and Earn For Life

Be an EduLITE® software sales representative/marketer and Get as much as 10 - 15% on each successful subscription. It is a lifetime payment as long as the school is subscribed. Interested persons can send their application to telling us about your previous experience and why you are most suitable for this.

EduLITE® Package Sign Up For Your School

Thanks for your interest in our product, We are confident that EduLITE SIS & LMS will meet your organisations requirement. All packages includes cloud hosting, implementation, training and support. Complete this form to speak with a sales rep or get a personalized one-on-one demo.




What is EduLITE® School Management System?

EduLITE® is an all-in-one ERP software to manage creche, nursery, primary, secondary schools and colleges. It has everything your institution will ever need. gradebook, transport, examination, bulk data management, students progress tracking, reports, parent-teacher collaboration, attendance, fee management and 50+ feature-rich modules. EduLITE® automates everyday operations, helps in generating insightful reports, and help stakeholders in making better decisions. EduLITE® also offer dedicated Mobile App, Multi-School Management Solution, Payment Gateway Integration, GPS tracking and more. It is a cloud-based school enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that offers schools and colleges a single platform from which to manage all the processes of an institution.


Calculate and Decide Your Schools Profit Margin

Revenue Generator Using Scratch Card Model

The service charge utilization scheme of EDULITE is modelled on scratch card model, this is where your management can generate income after the initial investment on purchasing this solution and applicable package, as most of the operations of the students will henceforth be carried out online requiring purchase of branded scratch Card PIN duly generated from our firm which your management will sell to various categories of students or parents at a profit.

EduLITE® Package Offer

Student Termly Service Charge

Student Population

How many students do you have?

ScratchCard Price *

Determined by you

Period Revenue Stream Cost Of Service Profit Generated
First Term
Second Term
Third Term
Annual Revenue
* It is the scratchcard selling price that appears as the face value of each branded card for your school


Learn more about our customizable features to assist with your school administration & learning management tasks and complex processes. See the features that differentiate EduLITE from the competition.

Inventory & Book Store

Manage Inventory, Maintain Supplier details and Generate a paperless invoice
EduLITE school inventory management system, takes care of your institute’s purchase orders, goods’ invoices, in-house stock management, detailed asset reports,obsolete equipment tracking, and other assets tracking. This robust system minimizes the possibility of losing or theft of school expensive property, additionally makes the monitoring more convenient and accurate for the asset manager.

HR & Payroll

Organise employees details, Manage Payroll and Attendance of employees, Daily functions such as employees attendance calculation, leave management, payroll assignment, pay slips generation can quickly be taken care of with this system. A single platform to manage employees details - data, leaves, payroll, payslip generation, work history etc. Do payroll setup for variations of earnings, allowances, Tax, pensions and deductions.

Homework & Assignment

Digital Materials Support (Video, Audio, HTML, PPT, XLS, PDF, DOCs, Embed Video etc)

You can create homework assignments along with instructions, clarification, and details in just a matter of seconds and share them instantly with your students and consequently attach all type of media and documents for download as study documents during school time, holiday and emergency periods (such as covid19).

Question Bank & Computer Based Testing System

Create question bank that you can pool from to serve as internal, external, recruitment and admission exam purposes anytime with instant result and automatic grading. Online Exam in Mobile App, allows students to attend the online exam, test series, mock test from their mobile device, students can view results instantly from the mobile app. All test behaviours can be easily configured to suit teachers expectations e.g duration, question randomization, difficulty level etc

  • Payment Gateway Integration

    Our solution is fully integrated with Paystack payment gateway to allow any type of electronic payment to be made on our web and mobile app platforms. The payment gateway is used for the following

    1. Paperless & Online Admission payments
    2. Web & Mobile App School fees payment
    3. Verification of staff bank account
    4. Monthly Payroll Salary transfer to staffs

  • Custom Domain URL

    Set your own custom domain URL for EduLITE installation, e.g get and not a sub-domain

Fleet Management & Realtime Bus Tracker

Start tracking school buses in real-time via EduLITE®VR5.7 Mobile App with Google maps device integration. Fleet manager has the ability to add different school bus and assign various routes or delete the new routes, help in efficiently manage the cost of service and time. Parents are able to track location of school bus and status of wards onboard, parents get real-time notification about onboarding & deboarding or in case of emergencies and more. Easily track the route in a single click.

  • Enhance Safety and security of students
  • Gain Parents' Trust & Offer Peace of Mind
  • Bring Automation and Control
  • Bird-eye view on entire Fleet System

  • Student Fees Management

    Create different fee structure, fee collection, discounts and waivers, along with been able to generate payment invoice & debtor list very easily.

  • Income & Expenses Management

    Clarity into your schools revenue(income) and expenses. The accounting module also has extra addons such as Payroll expenses, vehicle repair expenses etc.

  • SMS & Email Integration

    Sending Email & SMS Notifications to parent & student is made possible using SMS Gateway and electronic mail integration for any aspect/modules of the platform that you desire it for.

  • Customizable Interface GUI & Database

    The entire EduLITE Application User Interface look and feel can be branded and customized to your schools color and brand.

  • Student Birthday Reminder

    Setup reminders for important tasks like birthdays.

Exam Records & Marks Management

Manage record grades of all students, create and print transcripts and customized report cards (including narrative notes from teachers); as different marking scheme structure can be adopted for various arm of your school, Also includes automatic calculation of weighted grades, means, medians and averages. The preparation and computation of school termly reports are done automatically by the system. Provides tools for scheduling classes based on student and teacher availability.

Virtual Live Classroom

The recent covid pandemic has converted almost all the offline classrooms to virtual classrooms. The virtual classroom helped the educators and learners community across the world to adapt to the challenging conditions of the pandemic. Students and teachers learned and taught from the comfort of their homes using different virtual classroom technologies. With EduLITE® teachers are able to hold live classroom, multimedia virtual lessons and screen sharing capabilities with students, discussion forums, live test and live chats.

Customized Electronic Report Card

Generate professional looking electronic report card in PDF format that are customized for creche, nursery, primary, secondary and A-level student of your school. Report card metrics also are fully customizable - you get to have your own grading criteria, grading flow, beautiful report card format (landscape/portrait). We dont box our clients into a report card template used by other schools

View Samples

Internal Messaging System

You don't have to worry about having different email addresses of parents or stakeholders, private messaging of audio, video, text, images, documents between admin, teachers, student and parent is possible on the platform.

QR Code Attendance, Document Authentication & Verification

When the QR code on the student report card is scanned using a mobile device, it links to your secured school database for immediate verification. The information on the printed physical document is cross-referenced against the school's digital records, confirming its authenticity on the spot. EduLITE can also generate QR based eletronic student ID cards that can be used for automated attendance taking and access control into the school premises. Any Report card, ID card through EduLITE has a unique QR code printed on the it, which can be issued to the student/parent digitally, or as a hard(Printed) copy.


  • Clinic, Health & Immunization Records

    Digitized Health Records Get rid of paper clutter while streamlining day-to-day operations. Our cloud-based system makes it easy to digitize cumulative health records, for quick access of documents from anywhere. Interact with school health nurse Quick communication channels for parents with school health authorities for medical emergencies and treatment for their children.

  • Several Reports

    Inventory, Medical, Hostel, Attendance, Enrolment, Canteen, Payroll, Student Fees, Staff/Student, Fleet, Admission, Broadsheets Report etc

Hostel & Canteen Management

Easily allocate rooms, monitor hostel fees and maintain hostel records The EduLITE® hostel & canteen management system module allows hostel managers to easily administer hostels, take canteen attendance, manage meal nutritional value while parents can view all this critical information from anywhere in the world. With this module, wardens can keep a bird’s eye view on the hostel activities, allow students to choose their room based on their preferences, and eliminate the staff workload and paper wastage. It simplifies the inventory management and ingredient tracking necessary to adhere to school nutrition standards. It allows you to easily record and keep tabs on the quantities of approved ingredients used to prepare school meals.

Teacher & Subject Scheduling

  1. Subject/course & class management with teacher allocation
  2. Automated & manual teachers Comments & Signatures
  3. Sub-Administrator Account & User Accounts for Teachers
  4. Automatic Results Calculation ( GPA or Percentage System ). No need of manual calculation usinf calculators
  5. School Management can approve/reject result of any student online
  6. Student Promotion update
  7. Batch Grade scores Processing – Ability to upload multiple records simultaneously
  8. Data integrity using secured locking/unlocking of student grades

Database Backup & Restore System

EduLITE® Backup and recovery gives you reassurance that in the case of complete failure we can get you up and running as quickly as possible with the minimum of disruption to your IT systems. It describes the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect your organizations against data loss. The purpose of the backup is to create a copy of data that can be recovered in the event of a primary data failure. Primary data failures can be the result of hardware or software failure, data corruption, or a human-caused event, such as a malicious attack (virus or malware), or accidental deletion of data.

  • Developer Support Ready

    We realize that for the school management solution to be effective it constantly needs to react to changes and new developement in this sector and school management which requires constant programming of existing system to meet this demands. We have inhouse experienced developers able to help customers with their request instantly.

  • Fee Receipts

    Customizable, well designed & clear fee receipts that parents can self generate from the portal.

  • Grade Book

    Customized to suit your needs with one personal online gradebook for each teacher. Using different grading metric & commenting for each teacher based on your schools requirements. e.g 20:20:60 or 15:15:70 The online gradebook feature enables teachers to enter grades frequently.

  • User Control privileges

    System Admin user management functions allow you to assign different privileges to different users.

  • Parent Access

    Parents can log in and view their children's information anytime through the Parent Portal. Parents can keep track of their child's attendance, workload and progress!

  • Cloud Based Solution

    You do not have to install anything on your computer. EduLITE is an Online School Management System. That means you use it in your favorite browser. It provides security, reliability and ability to work from anywhere

  • Daily Attendance

    Managing daily attendance for student and staff is now hassle free from our platform.

  • Demographics & Charts

    Visualize data of schools activities and dashboard analysis on admissions, finance, students, fleet, inventory, academics etc

Survey & Polls

Setup Student/Teacher Surveys & Polls Management Poll helps to collect opinions on a particular subject from a group of selected members without revealing the identity of the person. It may be either students, employees, or both for the purpose of analysis. In EduLITE® polls allow to post other answers also, if it is recommended. Admin or privileged employee can create polls in EduLITE®.

Responsive User Interface

Solution runs over all kinds of devices seamlessly. you do not have to install anything on your computer. That means you use it in your favorite browser. works on any devices whether desktop, mobile, or tablets. works with any browser. Supports any operating system including Windows, Android and iOS.

Manage Entire School on a Single Portal

EduLITE® offers a single & integrated platform for handling crèche, kindergatten, nursery, primary and secondary (JSS,SSS) schools thereby giving you a clear view of the entire business interest and school development.

Paperless Online Admission & Entry System

  1. Recieve applicants information
  2. Verify & Approve new applicants manual & online payments.
  3. View applicants online entry exam performances
  4. Short List & Grant admission to successful candidates
  5. Parents are able to check admission status
  6. Successful candidates can print admission offer letter
  7. Synchronize successful candidates into departments, class with generated admission no


Create a strong bond between you and your parents with our customizable & brandable Mobile App that brings school operations and child activities to their hand-held devices.


User Login

Student Admission-No and ScratchCard PIN is used to access the app once


Side Menu

Extra menu for more functions


School Bus Tracker

Parents can check realtime location of school bus and attendance status of wards on the vehicle


Billing Structure

Parents can vew the fee structure for the term from their mobile phones



Access core areas of functions from here such as events calendar synchronization, ward attendance, parent feedback etc


Check Termly Result

Generate wards PDF report card using any academic year & term


Firebase Cloud Push Notification

Send scheduled cloud messages to parent phones at no cost


CBT Examination & Test

Wards can engage in online examination from their hand-held devices and get instant result feedback

What some of our customers say


Dont be left out, empower your administrators, parents, students & teachers with cutting edge technology that meets today and future needs. Look through any package that is most suitable for your schools requirement


  • User Group, Role & Privileges Mgt
  • Student Information System
  • Exam Results Computation & Processing, Termly Auto Generated Academic Report Card

  • Batch Data Import and Export
  • Batch/Class Result/Termly Broad Sheet

  • Unlimited Subjects and Batches

  • School Calendar Mgt
  • Parent/Student/Teacher Portal
  • Custom Domain URL e.g
  • Use your own School Logo

  • Unlimited No of Users (Students)
  • 24/7 Technical & Developer Support
    (Email, Phone, Chat) etc











  • User Group, Role & Privileges Mgt
  • Student Information System
  • Exam Results Computation & Processing, Termly Auto Generated Academic Report Card

  • Batch Data Import and Export
  • Batch/Class Result/Termly Broad Sheet
    Cummulative Yearly Broad Sheet
  • Unlimited Subjects and Batches

  • School Calendar Mgt
  • Parent/Student/Teacher Portal
  • Custom Domain URL e.g
  • Use your own School Logo

  • Unlimited No of Users (Students)
  • Branded ScratchCards
  • 24/7 Technical & Developer Support
    (Email, Phone, Chat) etc
  • Events & Announcement
  • SMS & Email Integration
  • Timetable
  • Homework Assignment & Media/Document Sharing
  • Student Daily Web Based Attendance
  • Voting & Polling
  • Accounting, School Fee Billing & Invoicing System









  • User Group, Role & Privileges Mgt
  • Student Information System
  • Exam Results Computation & Processing, Termly Auto Generated Academic Report Card
  • Mid-Term Auto Generated Academic Report Card
  • Batch Data Import and Export
  • Batch/Class Result/Termly Broad Sheet
    Cummulative Yearly Broad Sheet
  • Unlimited Subjects and Batches

  • School Calendar Mgt
  • Parent/Student/Teacher Portal
  • Customized Color Theme
  • Custom Domain URL & SSL Security e.g
  • Make School 3D Logo & Color Theme

  • Unlimited No of Users (Students)
  • Branded ScratchCards
  • 24/7 Technical & Developer Support
    (Email, Phone, Chat) etc
  • Events & Announcement
  • SMS & Email Integration
  • Timetable
  • Homework Assignment & Media/Document Sharing
  • Student Daily Web Based Attendance
  • Student Disciplinary Records
  • Voting & Polling
  • Accounting, School Fee Billing & Invoicing System
  • Question Bank Pooling
  • Online CBT Examination System
  • In App Mail Messaging System
  • Paperless Online Admissions &
    Entry Examination
  • Virtual Live Classroom & Lesson
  • SSL & Payment Gateway Integration
  • Testimonial & Certificates








Best Value
  • User Group, Role & Privileges Mgt
  • Student Information System
  • Exam Results Computation & Processing, Termly Auto Generated Academic Report Card
  • Mid-Term Auto Generated Academic Report Card
  • Batch Data Import and Export
  • Batch/Class Result/Termly Broad Sheet
    Cummulative Yearly Broad Sheet
  • Unlimited Subjects and Batches, Nested/Merged Subjects (Multiple Subjects in One)
  • School Calendar Mgt
  • Parent/Student/Teacher Portal
  • Customized Color Theme
  • Custom Domain URL & SSL Security e.g
  • Make School 2D/3D Logo Animation & Use Color Theme
  • Unlimited No of Users (Students)
  • Branded ScratchCards
  • 24/7 Technical & Developer Support
    (Email, Phone, Chat) etc
  • Events & Announcement
  • SMS & Email Integration
  • Timetable
  • Homework Assignment & Media/Document Sharing
  • Student Daily Web Based Attendance
  • Student Disciplinary Records
  • Voting & Polling
  • Accounting, School Fee Billing & Invoicing System
  • Question Bank Pooling
  • Online CBT Examination System
  • In App Mail Messaging System
  • Paperless Online Admissions & Entry Examination
  • Virtual Live Classroom & Lesson
  • SSL & Payment Gateway Integration
  • Testimonial & Certificates
  • QR Code Document Authentication & Verification
  • Automated Student Attendance Using Mobile App QR Code & Access Control Digital ID Card Management
  • Balance Sheet, P & L Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Fees & Bursary Management
  • Financial Bookkeeping, Expense Tracker & Reports
  • Staff Leave Application System
  • Human Resource & Payroll System
  • Teaching/Non-Teaching Staff Appraisal
  • Inventory & Book Store
  • Hostel & Canteen Mgt System
  • Clinic Treatments & Health Records
  • Customized Integrated Parent Mobile App - Google playstore
  • Fleet Management & Real-time School Bus Tracker
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging
  • Generate Academic Transcript
  • Single Page Template Website

* All pricing packages above are slightly negotiable for mutual benefit


EduLITE® is the flagship product from Crontab Solutions Ltd a leading product technology company in EdTech-SaaS

Contact +2348037271363 or email for practical product demonstration and presentation

Technology Stack and Infastructure



Olaogbebikan Michael Olumide

CEO & Founder

  • HP-UX Server Administrator Certified
  • Oracle DBA Certified
  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Mobile App Developer
  • 2D/3D Animator
  • Author & Book Publisher
  • Cartoonist & Illustrator


Thank you indeed for looking through our product offering as you consider adopting the right solution for your school, Do not be decieved, running your school without a school management system is like running a bank without a system that give clients transaction alerts, ATM systems, being able to withdraw cash at any branch of your choice. Each school is a full project on its own that demands customization requirements all the way, Here are some important points to keep in mind as you consider adopting EduLITE®VR5.7 for your school administration and process automation.

  Consider Upgrades & Updates   

Information and Technology world is a fast moving systems and a school management software vendor must be good enough to meet the speed in technological advancement in school. With the introduction of new devices and technologies, new features, upgrading the old feature(s) to meet present needs.

When choosing a school management software, it is necessary to adopt a solution that will keep evolving and continue getting better with time. EduLITE is constantly upgraded, taking into consideration the trends in new technology.

  Customer Support   

Another key thing to consider is the level and effectiveness of the vendor’s support to your school. After buying/deploying an application, the next thing is the technical support to use the application efficiently.

A bad support will frustrate you and other users of your school management software and you will have to start all over again looking for an alternative application or revert back to the old way of manually processing loads of data. We provide outstanding technical support that allows quick fixes, modification of logic and functionality to our clients over the years

  Scalability/Flexibility Of Software   

Your chosen software must be designed in a way that it can scale depending upon the requirements. As the school grows, the data will also increase. The number of students, staff, and parents accessing this application will keep rising as time goes on. So, if the application is not scalable, it becomes useless. EduLITE Flexible Server configurations (RAM, SSD, CPU Usage etc) is able to scale based on demand.

  Cost of Software   

As a decision-maker, you have a budget. It’s valuable to consider all options within your budget. Free school software options may not meet your needs and the most expensive options may not be worth it. Several vendors have their prices based on reasons best known to them. EduLITE has zero cost of ownership and essentially based on subscription model as seen in our pricing above.

  Consider Backup & Security Functions   

It may take 5 years to build a house but an hour to destroy it. Consider backup and security features when you choose software. Choose software which offers quality security services such as cloud backup, data redundancy and firewall protection. This will protect your data from unwanted intrusions.

  Vendors’ Market History & Reliability of software.  

In choosing a school management system, it is important to go only for the tested and trusted. As a school owner, the most important thing to consider is how long other schools have been using the software and if it has been able to cater to their most pressing needs at critical time.

Several vendors have stopped offering school administration products over the past six years. Thus, decision makers should ensure the vendor they choose has a strong history in the market. A product that is stable (over 99% uptime), robust and is been used by schools regularly on a daily and termly basis would be most ideal.(EduLITE® has more than 10 years usage by schools).

  Customization requirements.  

The larger the educational institution, the more complex the system configuration will be. Administrators should look for solutions that offer high levels of customization where the system can be configured to fit existing processes and workflows, rather than the other way around. Product customization is our DNA, with us every school is unique, distinct and must be treated as such.

CEO, Crontab Solutions Ltd



School Registration

Gather all School Information

Each school obtains our requirement form as seen below, this form gathers all information pertaining to your school and all requirements needed to execute this project.

Download Registeration Form


WhatsApp Group

Create Online Project Team

Secondly, the school administrator sets up an online project group via whatsapp which includes all stakeholders and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) project lead. This allows for easy communication of needed materials, ideas and milestone approvals at every stage through out the project.


Project Implementation

Software coding & customization

Our expert engineers use the information gathered earlier to implement the Backend, Frontend Development and school database, which reflects your ideas and concept required by the software to hatch out customization of GUI, logic and processes tailor-made to your school


Handover & User Training

Product Training

Finally, the project goes live and its handed over to your school management. Staff training is carried out either online or on-premises. Our 24/7 technical support team is able to share learning experience using materials such as videos, images, documentations etc to help anyone learn about any aspect of the software easily.


Can EduLITE® be self hosted?

No, Each EduLITE® Deployment is rather hosted on our reliable Ubuntu (UNIX) Dedicated Cloud Server instance in Germany & USA which is backed by world-renowned data center company IONOS (1&1) Technology. Our cloud servers feature Intel® Xeon® processors and SSD SAN, Live scalability for any demand, Load balancer, Unlimited traffic, strong central firewall, as well as the latest SIEM and IDS/IPS technologies to protect our cloud servers from attack. etc

Can EduLITE® work without scratch cards

Yes it can, every aspect of the software works normally. It just simply means that all your students will be given a default password or a randomized PIN that doesnt change in other to access their information while still in the system. The scratchcard PIN approach is just a method for schools to officially generate revenue and there are several other methods that can be adopted. We have different PIN Usage configuration as seen below
1. PIN that expires after a particular no of access e.g Weekly, Monthly, Usage Count(5 times, 15 times) etc
2. Termly & Academic Yearly PIN (Most Commonly used)
3. Periodic PIN (Expires after a no of days) etc

How long does it take to deploy EduLITE®

Basic Implementation takes about two weeks (14 Working days) except if there are special requirements for further customization and programming beyond the features indicated above.

What kind of software programs do I require to run EduLITE®?

To run EduLITE®, you don't require any software installation. It is an entirely web-based school management system which is designed to simplify your daily school operations. Its also mobile responsive meaning its intuitive and works seamlessly on any hand-held device, all that is required is any standard browser e.g opera, firefox, explorer, chrome etc.

Does EduLITE® provide GPS tracking?

Yes, the GPS tracking feature of EduLITE® is based on google maps, integrating this GPS tool with EduLITE® Mobile App the schools can easily track the movement of the bus in real-time and status of their wards.

What happens to the information when the academic year is rolled-over?

All the historical student data are kept at a centralized data storage retention servers, including photos, records and none of it's get deleted. All the relevant users have access to their data, even when the academic year is rolled-over. Several schools have been using EduLITE® for over ten years, that means they can check report card and information of any child even years after they have left their schools.

How much does EduLITE® cost? Any hidden fees which I should know about it?

EduLITE® is Free. Our pricing plan is divided into four subscription packages. Visit our pricing page above to know more. Apart from that, you will have to pay a one time setup fees for Web & Mobile app custom development based on newer, further requirements or functionalities desired by your school. Other recurring payments may be in the form of SMS & Payment Gateway fee charges for those who go for it.

Can I switch from one package to another after purchase?

Yes, you can upgrade your package anytime you would like to. You can get in touch with your Accounts Manager as and when the upgrade is required.

Does EduLITE® have a free trial version?

Unfortunately a free trial service is not available but we are glad to present a sample working demonstration to your management team while referencing other successfully deployed projects.

Does EduLITE® offer support and training to clients?

We offer support in your time of need. You can connect with EduLITE® experts any time through the call, email and chat. To help you in every way, EduLITE® experts provide multiple training session about software features; training can also be arranged over a call or on zoom.

EduLITE® Version Releases & Updates?

EduLITE® school solution is constantly been upgraded based on customer feedbacks, research & development leading to bug fixes and Improvement of the product from inception as seen below and we are not stopping as we are poised to give our clients the best end user experience possible.

Item EduLITE® V1.5-V3.2 EduLITE® V3.3-V4.0 EduLITE® VR5.0 EduLITE® VR5.3 EduLITE® VR5.6
Technology Stack Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64) PHP/5.2.13, MySQL5.1.45
PHP5.2, HTML4, CSS, Javascript
Apache/2.2.22 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.22 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 PHP/5.6, MySQL5.5.30
PHP5.6, HTML4, CSS, Javascript
Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) (Unix) / Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS /PHP 7.4.10, MySQL8.0.21
PHP7.2, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, AJAX, Ionic, Typescript
Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) (Unix) / Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS /PHP 7.4.10, MySQL8.0.21
PHP7.2, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, AJAX, AngularJS, JSON, Dart, Flutter, REST API, Typescript
Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) (Unix) / Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS /PHP 7.4.10, MySQL8.0.21
PHP7.2, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, AJAX, AngularJS, JSON, Dart, Flutter, REST API, Typescript
Added Software Modules Core Modules
User Account Mgt, Student Information System, Result Processing and Generation, Data Import and Export, Batch/Class Result/Broad Sheet, School Calendar Mgt
Added Extra Modules
such as Online CBT Examination System, Homework Assignment & Media/Document Sharing.
Converting all Previous Modules to HTML5 GUI accross all platform e.g
Administrative Portal, Teacher Portal, Parent/Student Portal, Accounting Portal
Module extensions such as
Book Store Management, Inventory Management, HR & Payroll Management, Hostel & Canteen Mgt System, Clinic & Health Records Mgt, Free School Website Design Template, Customized Google Playstore Parent Mobile App, Events & Announcement, Internal Messaging System SMS & Email Integration, Staff Leave Application System, Fleet Management & Real-time School BusTracker, Virtual Live Classroom & Lesson, Timetable mgt, Paperless Admissions & online exam, User role & Privileges Mgt etc
Accounting Module Features
Discounting per billing item, HR Staff KPI Performance & Evaluation
Parent/Student Module Features
Ability to choose optional payment fees
Ability to view approved list of books & buy online directly from schools bookstore
Administrative Module Features
Transcript user role & permissions, Generate Transcript Report
Teacher Module Features
Class teacher remarks based on gender for Nursery & Primary School
What is New? -- SMS Gateway Integration, Mid-Term & End Term Report Card Integration, Over 25 ReportCard Design Templates, Hostel Management system, School Fees & Billing Management Module SSL & Payment Gateway Integration, Internal Email Messaging System Google Maps Integration for Tracking School Bus Location, Firebase Push Notifications, API Integration, Google Playstore Parent Mobile App Discounting per school fees billing item, Staff KPI Performance Evaluation & Analysis, Integration of Transcript Generation & Permissions to Admin Portal, Parents can purchase approved list of books by management from the parent portal

  • Simplify and automate the task of managing your school today.

  • Head Quarters
  • 33A Norfolk Street
  • Sunderland SR1 1EE
  • United Kingdom
  • Website:
  • Email:
  • phone: +234 803 7271 363